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Fine Art photo prints

What printing technique do I use for my fine art prints?

The photos are printed on fine art paper specially designed for this use, using natural pigment inks.

This top-quality, thick matte paper produces excellent prints in deep, vibrant colors, with intense blacks, pronounced contrasts and perfect rendering of details.


What finishing options are available?


Print only: the selected photograph is printed on top-quality fine art paper. It will be delivered to you without any framing or hanging support. 

Polyurethane foam-backed 5mm: the selected photograph is printed on top-quality art paper and then glued on a rigid 5mm polyurethane foam plate. You can hang it directly or framing it with no glass, for a delicate and powerful rendering. 

Dibond M1 2mm plate: the selected photograph is printed on top-quality art paper and then glued on a rigid 2mm aluminum plate. Fixings are placed on the back to enable the work to be hung directly. No frame is required, for a solid, high-impact result. 

Framed print: the selected photograph is printed on top-quality art paper and then placed in a high-end wooden or aluminum frame, according to your choice.


You can also choose the size of the frame, depending on whether a mounts is used.

Tax deduction on fine art photo prints


Which artworks are eligible for the deduction?

To benefit from the deduction, the company must display the work of art in a place accessible free of charge to the public or to employees, except in their offices, for 5 years. This period corresponds to the year of acquisition and the following 4 years.


Who is eligible for this tax deduction?


This tax benefit applies only to sole proprietorships subject to income tax in the BIC category, or to companies subject to corporate income tax.

Private individuals are not concerned. 


How do I claim the deduction?

The purchase price of the work of art can be deducted from taxable income in the year of acquisition and the following 4 years, without any accounting entry. This is done in equal fractions, i.e. 1/5th (20%) each year.

To put it simply: the deduction is made over 5 years, 20% per year. 


Read more about : 

Please visit the French Ministry of the Interior website (direct link). 

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